UnionVms Wildfly dist
The bundled unionvms with wildfly simplifies that manual steps involved when using Wildfly setup so should be easier to use.
Download http://nexus.focus.fish/nexus/repository/releases/eu/europa/ec/fisheries/uvms/docker/unionvms-wildfly-dist/3.22.0/unionvms-wildfly-dist-3.22.0.zip from nexus, it does contain configuration/modules/sql-scripts required to startup unionvms.
Required before: JDK7/8, Postgresql and activemq installed and configured.
Setup databases and user
the directory unionvms-database-scripts , includes scripts that will work on linux if psql is installed.
The file .pgpass do need to contain the username/password for your postgres admin user and copied to ~/ and "chmod 600 ~/.pgpass".
After that you can run below scripts
./dropDb.sh DB_NAME DB_HOST
./createDb.sh DB_NAME DB_HOST
./updateDbOnly.sh DB_NAME DB_HOST
Configure standalone/configuration/standalone-uvms.xml
You will to update standalone-uvms.xml to reflect the location of activemq,postgres database and ports you want to use.
Start the server
bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-uvms.xml -b -bmanagement | |