Union VMS - Parent POM

Union VMS - Parent POM


We have introduced a common parent for all App modules that enforces the build environment.
Added profiles for running docker with the arquillian test.
Defined a set modules with common dependencies for uvms-pom-gis-deps (jpa,gis), uvms-pom-logging-deps (slf4j,logback etc), uvms-pom-monitoring-deps, uvms-pom-arquillian-deps, uvms-pom-test-deps.

Latest released version is 1.11 and github project is at https://github.com/UnionVMS/uvms-pom/tree/dev.

Both Movememt-App and Mobileterminal-App have been updated to use the this parent pom, look at https://github.com/UnionVMS/UVMS-MobileTerminalModule-APP/tree/dev and https://github.com/UnionVMS/UVMS-MovementModule-APP/tree/dev how it’s been applied.

To be able to use the parent pom, a few steps need to be performed to your root project se below.

Add the parent pom definition 

Example at https://github.com/UnionVMS/UVMS-MovementModule-APP/blob/master/pom.xml


Add the the common deps modules to dependency management

Example at https://github.com/UnionVMS/UVMS-MovementModule-APP/blob/dev/pom.xml.


Add common deps dependencies to the modules that need them

Example at https://github.com/UnionVMS/UVMS-MovementModule-APP/blob/dev/domain/pom.xml .


Configure docker settings and when to start, stop docker.

The docker profile defined in the parent-pom starts up the activemq,postgres-release and wildfly-base docker containers.
When using docker you have a two options development or ci mode.

Docker properties

Default Docker settings in uvms-pom.


In the first module that uses docker you need to set it to start during test-compile phases and also to make sure no other containers are running in validate phase.


And in the last module that uses docker you need to set it to stop


Development mode

Works well when you start the docker containers and run your test multiple times in your IDE during development.
(you start/stop docker manually)

#Start (in your root project)
mvn install -Pdocker,docker-start –N

#Stop (in your root project)
mvn install -Pdocker,docker-stop –N

Ci mode

Build and test all modules using docker

mvn clean install –Pdocker

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