Plugin - File uploader
Plugin - File uploader
If you dont have access to a public nexus/mvn repo with this archetype you can release it locally and create your modules from this archetype
- In the archetyperoot ( Where this readme is located ), open cmd and type [ mvn clean archetype:create-from-project ]
- cd target/generated-sources/archetype ( from the archetype root )
- Type [ mvn install ]
Now your archetype is released to your local .m2 repository (eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.component.component-archetype)
To create a project from archetype do as follows
- Create a new folder where you want the project to be
- open cmd and cd to that folder
- type [ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local ]
- You will be presented with options from your local artifact repo. Chose the one that have the namespace "eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.component:component-archetype"
- Define value for property 'groupId': : eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.plugins.flux.uploaders.YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME
- Define value for property 'artifactId': : YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME
- Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- Define value for property 'package': eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.plugins.flux.uploaders.YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME: : eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.plugins.flux.uploader.YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME
- Select Y and Enter and you're done!
- Rename the folder YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME to APP.
Open the generated component in your ide and mvn clean build to ensure that the component is correctly configured
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