
For quality analysis we are using SonarQube at

UVMS projects

CI analysis

Job Configuration

Sonarqube analysis must be done with JDK 8!
SonarScanner is deprecated and analysis should be done with maven

Preview (pull request)

For pull request we don't want to upload the result to sonar but we wan't to check quality gates&etc so use preview mode


Run with JDK8+

If the project is build with JDK8 or newer versions:use "Invoke top-level Maven targets" in a post build step:

Invoke top-level Maven targets
Maven Version=Maven3

Run with JDK7 or older

If the project is build with JDK7 or older versions: use "Execute shell" in a post build step (SonarScanner is deprecated)

Post Build Step - Execute Shell
/var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven3/bin/mvn $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL$SONAR_HOST_URL -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN $SONAR_EXTRA_PROPS

Global Tool Configuration

SonarQube Scanner is deprecated and should not be used.

Global System Configuration 

Jenkins is configured to use (uses token GLESYS_JENKINS in for uvms github user)

(extra options: -Dsonar.organization=uvms-github -Dsonar.exclusions=**/apidocs/** -Dsonar.dynamicAnalysis=reuseReports)

IDE analysis

For IntelliJ/Eclipse use SonarLint


For the current src file right click and "Analyze File with SonarLint"

Ex in IntelliJ:


Add Sonar server under the settings for Sonarlint 

Use (no need for authentication as we only do preview analysis)

Ex in IntelliJ: