- If Docker is not yet installed, follow the installation procedure at https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_windows/.
- For performance reasons it is recommended to allocate 6GB of memory to you Docker. Open up Oracle VirtualBox.
- Before doing any changes you need to power off your running instance by selecting the running instance and typing CTRL-F.
- On the Settings tab choose System and allocate 6GB of base memory.
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- Locate your ip address
- Re-start your machine by choosing Headless.
- In the Docker Quickstart terminal clone the DockerUVMS repository by typing: docker clone https://github.com/UnionVMS/UVMS-Docker.git
- Move inside the UVMS-Docker folder: cd /UVMS-Docker
- Checkout the dev branch by typing: git checkout dev
- Start the application by typing: docker-compose up -d
- To access the application you first need to find out the access URL, you can do this by opening Kitematic and selecting for example the wildly container.
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- In this case you will ba Abe to access the application at
{"serverDuration": 234, "requestCorrelationId": "d023e9bed2cb4479a9750a75a2981850"}