- Navigate to “Layers” and press the “Add new resource” button
- In the next screen, choose “uvms:uvmsdb” option
- From the list, choose the table you wish to publish (e.g. countries)
- Make your layer specific settings:
- In the Data tab:
- Accept all defaults
- In the “Bounding Boxes” section press the “Compute from data” and “Compute from native bounds” options
- In the Data tab:
- In the Publishing tab:
- Set the default style (this style should have been previously imported to Geoserver, e.g. countries)
- In the UnionVMS application multiple styles for the same layer are supported. Normally it supports up to three different styles:
- Only geometry (normally set as the default style)
- Geometry with labels
- Only labels
- If you have more than one style for a layer, drag the remaining styles (styles previously imported to Geoserver) into the “Selected styles” section (e.g. countries_label and countries_label_geom)
- In the Publishing tab:
- Finally, press the “Save” button
- In the GeoServer admin page, navigate to “Stores” and press the “Add new store”
- Select the “PostGIS (JNDI)” option and apply the following configurations:
- Be sure to uncheck the option “Support on the fly geometry simplification”, and press “Save”
- Navigate to “Layers” and press the “Add new resource” button
- In the next screen, choose “uvms:mydb” option
- From the list, choose the table you wish to publish
- Make your layer specific settings like it was described in the previous procedure (2.
- 1)