Due to some specific terms and conditions the Countries spatial dataset cannot be distributed together with the application. In order to use Union VMS you will need to process and import this dataset manually. This section describes in detail this procedure.

Union VMS strictly requires a Countries spatial dataset in its spatial database. Without this dataset the system will not work as expected.

1. Donwloading the Countries spatial dataset

The recommended Countries spatial dataset to use within the Union VMS application can be downloaded at the Eurostat website. You should download two specific datasets as described in the following table.

Administrative or Statistical UnitScaleFormatFile name
Countries 20141:3 millionShapefile


1:20 millionShapefileCNTR_2014_20M_SH.zip

The use of these datasets requires that you agree with some terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

2. Importing the shapefiles into Union VMS spatial database

We recommend the use of QGIS (an open source Desktop GIS) to import these files into the Union VMS spatial database. The following instructions will assume that you have downloaded and installed QGIS (available here) in your system.

2.1 Importing shapefiles into QGIS



2.2. Configuring Union VMS spatial database in QGIS


2.3. Importing the shapefiles into the database




2.4. Importing additional Countries metadata into the database

Within the datasets that you have downloaded there is a DBF file (CNTR_AT_2014.dbf) that contains additional metadata that is important to have within Union VMS. The next steps are describing how this file can be imported into the database.


3. Prepare the data to be used within Union VMS



You have now finished all necessary steps to setup the Countries spatial dataset in the Union VMS application.