To be able to have a choice later on we have created a wildfly11test branch on .

  1. Get the UVMS-Docker test to run using both Wildfly8 and Wildfly11.  (In progress :
  2. Release docker images for both wildfly8 and Wildfly11.
  3. (not required) Drop support for JAVA7 and migrate to JAVA8. (allow bytecode java8)
  4. (not required) Drop support for Wildfly8 and migrate current arqullian test to Wildfly11.
  5. (not required) Migrate from org.hibernate.spatial.GeometryType to org.hibernate.spatial.JtsGeometryType and drop usage of hibernate-spatial-4x-to-5x-wrapper.

A few workarounds to be able to use the same ear files on both wildfly8 and wildfly11. 

  1. The org.hibernate.spatial.GeometryType has been renamed to org.hibernate.spatial.JtsGeometryType , to support the old class name using newer hibernate-spatial a hibernate-spatial-4x-to-5x-wrapper have been created at and a special dialect is set to org.hibernate.spatial.dialect.postgis.Postgis43WrapperDialect
  2. The mdr-module.ear contains hibernate-search/lucene jars that do conflict with jars included in wildfly11, the wildfly11test branch currently strips these jar files from the ear included in wildfly11.

Wildfly11 are more strict and outputs more warnings, current issues

  1. WARN: WFLYEJB0485: Transaction type %s is unspecified for the %s method of the %s message-driven bean. It will be handled as NOT_SUPPORTED. 

Test result (updated after each build)

Wildfly8 :

Wildfly11 :

Benchmark Wildfly8 vs Wildfly11 (updated after each build)


Wildfly8  : Wildfly11 vs 

Complete reports

Wildfly8 reports at : and

Wildfly11 reports at : and$uvms-release-test/ws/target/

Wildfly11 test without activemq replaced with wildfly messaging(artemis) 

NOTE: console username/password now admin/Wildfly4ever!