3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0103 | Must be present | 8.2.14. Rules for Fishing_Activity entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0102 | Only one occurrence | 8.2.14. Rules for Fishing_Activity entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0104 | Must be present | 8.2.14. Rules for Fishing_Activity entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0110 | Must be present | 8.2.15. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0110 | Check format | 8.2.15. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0111 | Check format | 8.2.15. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L03-00-0110 | The reception date (by the Take-Over state) should not be later than 48h after the landing declaration date (cfr FAReportDocument/SpecifiedFishingActivity/SpecifiedDelimitedPeriod/EndDateTime of the corresponding FA message) | 8.2.15. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
| Fail |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0120 | Must be present | 8.2.16. Rules for Vessel_Transport_Means entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0120 | Check format of the CFR | 8.2.16. Rules for Vessel_Transport_Means entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0122 | Must be present | 8.2.16. Rules for Vessel_Transport_Means entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0121 | At least one occurrence and maximum two | 8.2.16. Rules for Vessel_Transport_Means entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0130 | Must be present | 8.2.17. Rules for Vessel_Country entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0130 | Check code | 8.2.17. Rules for Vessel_Country entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L03-00-0130 | If CFR, the vessel should be in the EU fleet under the flag state at landing date | 8.2.17. Rules for Vessel_Country entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0150 | Check code from the list listID | 8.2.18. Rules for Contact_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0150 | Master or operator role must be present | 8.2.18. Rules for Contact_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0150 | No duplicated role | 8.2.18. Rules for Contact_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0151 | Codes other than master/operator are not allowed | 8.2.18. Rules for Contact_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0152 | Must be present for each party | 8.2.18. Rules for Contact_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0160 | Check presence of GivenName. Must be present if AliasText is not present. | 8.2.19. Rules for Contact_Person entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0160 | Non-empty GivenName | 8.2.19. Rules for Contact_Person entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0161 | Check presence of FamilyName. Must be present if AliasText is not present | 8.2.19. Rules for Contact_Person entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0161 | Non-empty FamilyName | 8.2.19. Rules for Contact_Person entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0162 | Check presence. Must be present if GivenNameText or FamilyNameText is not present. | 8.2.19. Rules for Contact_Person entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0162 | Non-empty | 8.2.19. Rules for Contact_Person entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0170 | Check presence.Must be present. | 8.2.20. Rules for Fishing_Trip entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0170 | Check attribute schemeID. Must be EU_TRIP_ID | 8.2.20. Rules for Fishing_Trip entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0171 | Check format. Must be according to schemeID rules | 8.2.20. Rules for Fishing_Trip entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0180 | Check presence. Must be present. | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0180 | Check attribute listID. Must be FLUX_LOCATION_TYPE | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0181 | Check code. Must be existing in the list specified in attribute listID | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0180 | It must not be a LOCATION code for AAP products | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0181 | It must be a LOCATION code for the landing | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0182 | Check presence of the country. Must be present if Type is LOCATION or ADDRESS. | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0182 | Check attribute schemeID. Must be TERRITORY | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0183 | Check code. Must be existing in the list specified in attribute schemeID | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0183 | Check presence. Must be present, unless type is "POSITION" | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Fail |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0184 | Check attribute schemeID. In case Type= "AREA": must be FAO_ AREA, , TERRITORY. In case Type= "LOCATION": must be LOCATION, FARM | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0185 | If FAO_ AREA code, the more precise area must be mentioned | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0186 | Check code. Must be existing in the list specified in attribute schemeID | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0184 | If LOCATION code, the place must be in the country | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0185 | Check presence of the FLUX Geographical Coordinate. Must be present if TypeCode in Flux Location = POSITION. | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0186 | Latitude & longitude must be provided if there is no identification and no address | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0187 | Check presence. Must be present if location Type is ADDRESS. | 8.2.21. Rules for FLUX_Location entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0190 | Check presence. Must be present | 8.2.22. Rules for FLUX_Geographical_Coordinate entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0190 | Check format. Must be number. | 8.2.22. Rules for FLUX_Geographical_Coordinate entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0191 | Check range. Must be between -90 and 90 | 8.2.22. Rules for FLUX_Geographical_Coordinate entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0191 | Check presence. Must be present. | 8.2.22. Rules for FLUX_Geographical_Coordinate entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0192 | Check format. Must be number. | 8.2.22. Rules for FLUX_Geographical_Coordinate entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0193 | Check range. Must be between -180 and 180 | 8.2.22. Rules for FLUX_Geographical_Coordinate entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0200 | Must be present | 8.2.23. Rules for Structured_Address entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0201 | Must be present | 8.2.23. Rules for Structured_Address entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L01-00-0200 | Check code from the list schemeID | 8.2.23. Rules for Structured_Address entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0202 | Must be present | 8.2.23. Rules for Structured_Address entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L02-00-0200 | Should be the same value | 8.2.23. Rules for Structured_Address entity | EU 2.3 |
| Pass |
| Pass |
SALE-L00-00-0400 | Must be present | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0400 | Check Format : UUID | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0400 | The reference must be unique | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0401 | Must be present | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0401 | Check format | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0402 | Must be present | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0402 | Check code from the list listID | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0401 | Must be present | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0402 | Only one occurrence | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0403 | Must be present | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0403 | Only one occurrence | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0404 | Must be present | 8.3.1. Rules for Sales_Query entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0410 | Must be present | 8.3.2. Rules for FLUX_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0410 | Check Code from the list schemeID | 8.3.2. Rules for FLUX_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0420 | Must be present | 8.3.3. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0420 | Check format | 8.3.3. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0420 | StartDate >= SystemDate – 3 years | 8.3.3. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0421 | Must be present | 8.3.3. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0421 | Check format | 8.3.3. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0420 | Start <= End | 8.3.3. Rules for Delimited_Period entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0430 | Must be present | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0430 | Check code from the list listID | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0431 | A role must exist | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0431 | If Type = FLAG/ROLE/PLACE, check code of the value | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0432 | If Type=VESSEL, check format of CFR | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0430 | Type=FLAG only for international organization | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0431 | Type=ROLE, the values FLAG or LAND only for MS. INT for international organization | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0433 | If Type = SALES_ID or TRIP_ID, check format of the part corresponding to the national number | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0434 | If Type = SALES_ID or TRIP_ID, check format of the common part | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0430 | If TYPE=VESSEL and if vessel identifiers are given, the flag of each vessel must be the country of the requester at start date | 8.3.4. Rules for Sales_Query Parameter entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0450 | Must be present | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0450 | Check attribute schemeID. Must be UUID. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0451 | Check Format. Must be according to the specified schemeID. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0450 | The identification must be unique and not already exist | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0451 | Must be present | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0452 | Check attribute schemeID. Must be in the FLUX_GP_MSG_ID list | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0453 | Check Format. Must be according to the specified schemeID. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0452 | Must be a reference of a query or sales declaration | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0452 | Must be present. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0454 | Check attribute listID. Must be FLUX_GP_RESPONSE | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0455 | Check value. Code must be value of the specified code list in listID. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0453 | Check presence. Must be present. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0456 | Check Format. Must be date in UTC according to ISO8601 | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0453 | Date must be in the past. | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0450 | Must be present if ResponseCode <> OK | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0454 | Must be present | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0455 | Only one occurence | 8.4.1. Rules for FLUX Response_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0460 | Must be present | 8.4.2. Rules for FLUX_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0460 | Check attribute listID. Must be FLUX_GP_PARTY | 8.4.2. Rules for FLUX_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L03-00-0460 | Check if RespondentFLUXParty.ID is consistent with FLUX TL values. | 8.4.2. Rules for FLUX_Party entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0470 | Must be present | 8.4.3. Rules for Validation Result_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0470 | Check code from the list schemeID | 8.4.3. Rules for Validation Result_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0471 | Must be present | 8.4.3. Rules for Validation Result_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0471 | Check Format | 8.4.3. Rules for Validation Result_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0470 | The Creation must be <= to the Creation of the report | 8.4.3. Rules for Validation Result_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0472 | Must be present if validation document | 8.4.3. Rules for Validation Result_Document entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0480 | Must be present. | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0480 | Check value. Code must be value of the specified code list in listID. | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0481 | Must be present | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0481 | Check Code. Must be in the list specified in listID. | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L00-00-0482 | Must be present | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L01-00-0482 | Check Code. Must be in the list specified in listID. | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |
SALE-L02-00-0480 | At least one occurrence if link with the Sales Report | 8.4.4. Rules for Validation_Quality Analysis entity | EU 2.3 |